Before we dig into “our” why, let’s look at your why.
Why Should You Care?
You’re good at something awesome. Maybe it’s graphic design, painting, creative writing, or kick ass videos that get lots of views.
But you’re struggling to make the money you know you could be making if you just knew what to do.
And if you’re being honest with yourself, you’re frustrated (and a little envious) seeing people who aren’t as skilled as you landing big opportunities that you’d kill to have.
But you have no clue what they’re doing that you aren’t.
Or, maybe, you’re in a job that pays great but you know you could make even more money if you went into business for yourself, but you’re wondering what that takes to make a go of it.
If any of that describes you, then you’re in the right place.
Why Do We Care?
We’ve been where you are.
We’ve struggled through trying to turn our passion into our profession. . . and failing miserably.
And we mean in the “got my car repossessed and I don’t think I can pay rent this month” way.
It’s awful.
And we’ve gotten low paying agency jobs only to find out we’re getting paid 1/5th what they’re charging the client.
It breaks our heart to see brilliant creators struggling with the same issues when they don’t have to.
That’s why we’re dedicated to sharing as much valuable information, strategies, and insights as we can.
We’re putting it into video, podcast, workshop, and course formats so you can learn it in whatever shape works best for you.
Our Mission
Help bring one more creator into the world: you.
We do that by giving you the skills & strategies you need to make a great living working with awesome clients on projects that get you jazzed the hell up.
If that sounds badass, then let’s get going!